This project would not have been possible without the time, input, and efforts of a multitude of people. Firstly, the veterans and individuals who shared your stories - you are the inspiration and reason for this project. It has been our greatest pleasure and honour to meet and spend time with you, and share in your experiences. Our first thanks to you. Thanks also to the many families and spouses who have been invaluable in arranging and facilitating the interviews, and members of the production team. Some of the many individuals and organisations who have assisted:
485 (NZ) Sqn Assoc | 489 (NZ) Sqn Assoc | Murray Adlington - 24 Btn Association | Allison Family | Ilai Amir (Web Development) | Auckland Museum - Library & Manuscripts - Martin Collett & Diane Gordon | Mary August | Aubrey Bairstow | Marian & George Barclay | Mary Blackwell - NZ Air Force Association/WAAF Association | Hal Blampied family | Broadbent, Mrs | Krishna Buckman | Hamish Brown | Nola White - RSA Mt Maunganui Womens Association | Eric Bullen - Italy Star [NZ] Assoc | Tony Bullock | Bunny Burrowes - NZ Bomber Command Association | David Burrowes | Lizzie Catherall | Richard Cato | Wendy & BJ Clarke - RSA Papanui | Graham Clayton | Max Collett - Pres. 485 Sqn Association | Bryan Cox & The NZ Fighter Pilot's Assoc | Dr. Stephen Clarke (CEO - RNZRSA) | Graham Clayton | Norma Crutchley | Murray Crockett | Gae & Erle Culver/Elford Trust | Jack Cummins - Italy Star [NZ] Assoc | Fred Daniel, Monitcello Home Dunedin | Tim De Castro | Stan Douglas (Normandy Veterans Assoc) | Ian Dymock - Merchant Navy Assoc | Beryl Eagle | Linda Fletcher | Foley Family | John Forrest | Neil Frances - Masterton Library-Archives/Oral History Centre | Harima Fraser - 28th Maori Battalion Association/TePuni Kokori | Phil Furner - NZ Bomber Command Association| Arthur Gatland | Bob Gibson (Merchant Navy Assoc) | Matt Hayes | Bob Hammond | Deidre Hauschild - NZ Battle of Crete Veterans Assoc | Hawkes Bay Aviation Historical Society | Bob Hill (President, RSA Masterton) | Larry Hill - Aviation Author & Historian | Dolores Ho (Archivist) - NZ Army Museum Waiouru | Arthur Hoffman | Oliver Hoffman | Blue Hogg | Bluey Homewood | Dave Homewood/Old Crow Films | Brian How & Joe Tuki-Shelford- 28th Maori Battalion Assoc (Auckland) | Fred Irving Family | Rita Jackson | John Jardine - The Nelson Branch of the Air Force Association | Jolly family | Windsor Jones (Exhibitions Dir) - NZ Army Museum Waiouru | Alistair Kerr | Chris King (Artic Convoy Assoc) | Kings Empire Veterans (KEV) | Lakes Museum, Arrowtown | Max Lambert | Peter Lee | Paul London | David Mannering - Hamilton Officer's Club | Jenny McDonald | Wayne McDonald - 24 Battalion Association | Alan Martin | Don McKay | Peter Macky | Sherayl McNabb | Maggi & Harry McNaughton | Lorna Miller | Monticello Home, Dunedin - Staff | Peter Moss (Gen. Manager) & the staff at RSA Mt Maunganui| Museum of Transport & Technology - MOTAT (Auckland) | NZ Air Force Association | Colin Murray | Gill Neale | Roger Newth - Editor/Project Co-Ordinator Welington/Kapiti/Horowhenua | (Peter) Norman Family | David Palmer | Bob Papp - Golden Bay RSA | Cliff Poole Family | Alex Puck | Chris Redditt | Glen Reid | Ray Richards - NZ Fleet Air Arm Association | Perry Rowe | John Rowntree - Fleet Air Arm Association | RSA Carterton | RSA Cromwell | RSA Dunedin/Montecillo Home | RSA Foxton | RSA Gore | RSA Alexandra | RSA Levin | RSA Marlborough/Blenheim | RSA Masterton | RSA Morrinsville | RSA Mt Maunganui | RSA Mosgiel | RSA Nelson | Joan Olausen | RSA Otago | RSA Otaki | RSA Orakei | RSA Papanui | RSA Paraparaumu | RSA Picton | RSA Queenstown | RSA Tapanui | RSA Tauranga | RSA Te Anau | RSA Te Awamutu| RSA Temuka | RSA Timaru | RSA Wanganui | RSA Westport | RSA Whangarei | Stuart Russell | Gary Russell - Italy Star [NZ] Assoc | John Saunders | Peter Scott - Italy Star [NZ] Assoc | Shand Family | Jim Siely - Crete Vets Assoc | Bill Simpson - NZ Bomber Command Association | Jim Summerfield & RSA Kaitaia | Rusty Taylor | Ray Terrill (RSA Pensions & Welfare, Tauranga) | Ray Tocker - RSA Cambridge | Barry & Teresa Tod | Jane Tolerton | Fred Tucker - Wellington Branch NZ Air Force Association/Project Advisor | Glen Turner (75 Squadron Assoc) | Colin & Mrs Velvin, Marton RSA | Veteran's Affairs (Crete Section) | Kris Vette | Peter Wheeler - NZ Bomber Command Association | Jim White | Lyn & John White | David Williams - RNZRSA | Joe Wilson family | Gareth Winter - Masterton Library-Archives/Oral History Centre | Zac Yates | Gavin Yortt
(By Section):
War Brides
Gabrielle Fortune, ‘‘Mr Jones’ Wives’: World War II War Brides of New Zealand Servicemen’, PhD Thesis, University of Auckland, 2005.
Gabrielle Fortune,: ‘Bride Ship, Brothel Ship: Conflicting Images of War Brides arriving in New Zealand in the 1940s’, in Maartje Abbenbuis and Sara Buttsworth (eds), Restaging War in the Western World: Noncombatant Experiences, 1890-Today, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, 2009
Gabrielle Fortune, ‘“War Stories Our Mothers Never Told Us’”, in James E. Bennett and Rebecca Beirne (eds), Making Film and Television Histories: Australia and New Zealand, I.B. Tauris, New York, 2012.
Kate Prebble and Gabrielle Fortune, 'Suitable girls': Recruitment of British women for New Zealand mental hospital nursing post-World War II’, Routledge Studies in Cultural History series, 2011.
Gabrielle Fortune, ‘If the Army though a soldier needed a wife they would issue him with one’: New Zealand Marriage Policy During World War II, in Ian Conrich (ed), NZSA Bulletin of New Zealand Studies, 2, pp35-52, Kakapo Books, Nottingham, UK, 2010.
Other Sections
(Coming TBC)
The vast majority of image and photograph material in this exhibition comes directly from the veterans and interviewees themselves, and are individual credited to the provider/owner. Otherwise, we have attempted as best we can to ascertain if there is another copyright owner if in question, and to credit where known. Our apologies if we have missed any. Please contact the project team in the case of any queries.